Thursday, July 29, 2010
FJ2SI reviewed in Business India
FJ2SI was reviewed in the July 12 issue of the leading Indian business magazine Business India. A. Thothathri Raman writes that "the book is about how the Indian spirit of innovation can be channelised in a more systematic manner to build an industrial society."
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Smart Manager features From Jugaad to Systematic Innovation
The July-August 2010 issue of Smart Manager magazine carries my article titled "India's Challenge: Moving from Jugaad to Systematic Innovation." This issue also has an extract from FJ2SI.
Friday, July 2, 2010
FJ2SI Reviewed in Hindustan Times
Reviewing FJ2SI in The Hindustan Times, N. Madhavan observes that "...Krishnan dwells well on the key linkages that could make the country as a whole innovative in spirit."